May 24, 2023

Ray Stevens sings "The Gambler and the Octopus"...

Hello fans of Ray Stevens!! In the last half year or so I had posted several blog entries centering around the next-to-last episode of Larry's Country Diner guest starring Ray Stevens. I posted a blog entry spotlighting the audio tracks of Ray's performances that were uploaded onto YouTube and Spotify, specifically, since I feel those sites are incredibly user friendly and easier to navigate. I later wrote a blog entry that featured my review of that Ray Stevens episode of Larry's Country Diner. The full episode is on YouTube and I've posted it. However, the individual music performances of Ray from that episode hadn't been uploaded in video form onto YouTube...but we're probably about to get all of those performances from the November 2022 episode as separate video uploads. Why do I state that? Well, it's because his performance of "The Gambler and the Octopus" from that November 2022 episode was uploaded onto YouTube yesterday. If my hunch is right we'll probably get individual on-camera performances of the other songs he sang on that episode. The song comes from Ray's recent comedy album, Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore

Although it's been on the market for a couple of years, now, it's still considered his recent studio album because he hasn't released any new studio album since. In the music industry there's a phrase called 'riding an album'. I touched on this in a fairly recent blog entry. It's jargon for the time spent either promoting an album or the songs from an album...and usually a record label or a recording artist will spend at least 1 year or typically no more than 2 years 'riding' an album. 

The album was released in October 2021 and so we're technically 1 year and 7 months since the album's debut. I don't know if Ray will be releasing anything in the near future but perhaps by October when the 2021 comedy album is 2 years old (an eternity in the music industry) there will be a new studio album for our listening pleasure. In the meantime, however, this is the 2022 performance of "The Gambler and the Octopus" on Larry's Country Diner. The screen-cap used on YouTube captures Ray at a moment in the song where he's in the process of grinning prior to shaking his head in disbelief over how confident the gambler seems to be. Some of you that look at the screen-cap may think he's crying but he isn't. 

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