September 11, 2023

Ray Stevens: Texarkana columnist discusses "The Streak"...

Hello fans of Ray Stevens! I was browsing through some Google search results and come across an article posted in the Texarkana Gazette. The author of the article is Doug Davis and he wrote a retrospective on "The Streak", one of Ray's comedy songs from 1974. There isn't any explanation as to the reason for the song being singled out given that it's next year, 2024, which will mark it's 50th anniversary. The essay details the song, it's inspiration, and the sales accomplishments the single achieved. The single, globally, sold more than 5 million copies. 

The webpage that is home to that particular newspaper in Texarkana is a subscription based site but it provides visitors a set amount of "free views" before the content is exclusive to subscribers. For those curious and want to read the author's summary of "The Streak" you can click HERE. As long time fans of Ray Stevens, as most of you readers and I happen to be, you won't discover anything new when you read the article but I thought that since it's a story on Ray Stevens and one of his songs I'd share it here on my blog page. 

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