January 29, 2023

Ray Stevens: "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" nearing 300,000 unique views...

It's me once more...and I was looking over the unique view total for the Ray Stevens music video, "Hoochie Coochie Dancer". It was uploaded onto YouTube on October 8, 2021 and it's steadily been climbing more than a year later. In numerous interviews in his past he has said that he often prefers slow discovery of his music. Now, I'm paraphrasing but that's basically what he was saying when asked why a lot of his songs and albums seem to take awhile to hit or catch on. The phrase riding a song or riding an album is music industry jargon for how many weeks/months/years a song or album is publicized. You can ride a song for months and an album for years. In some cases you can ride an album for a number of years and squeeze every opportunity from it before moving on to the next release. Well, "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" is one of those examples where an immediate follow-up never surfaced and it's been left up to the viral video on YouTube to promote the album it appears on, Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore. The audio tracks have all been uploaded to YouTube including an audio track for "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" but given YouTube is a visually dominant platform it explains why the music video has reached more audience than the audio track. The music video currently sits at 299,918 unique views. In June of 2022, which I think was the last time I provided an update on the video's view count, the total was 239,004. In a little over half a year's time it received a 60,914 unique view increase. I'm hoping this blog entry focusing on the music video will help push the video past the 300,000 level. I'll keep an eye on the unique views for a few days and make note of when it reaches the 300,000 plateau. In the meantime enjoy the video!   

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