January 2, 2022

Ray Stevens loses his Wife...

I was not online much at all on New Year's Day...I was watching numerous college football bowl games. I came online in the late afternoon and checked a couple of Ray Stevens social media pages and discovered that his wife, Penny, had passed away a few hours before the New Year. The social media post appeared on several sites around 3pm Saturday...and from there it was shared by the hundreds from that point forward. At the time of this writing, if you search 'Ray Stevens' on Twitter, you'll find that the news of his wife passing away is still being shared, re-shared, etc. In Ray's social media message there wasn't a time given it only stated that it was shortly before Midnight. When I read that message I got chills. The New Year's Eve blog post that I'd written on December 31st became available on-line at 11:30pm. I wrote a follow-up post on New Year's Day...featuring Ray singing "Auld Lang Syne" on his CabaRay Nashville television show but the news of Ray's wife passing away on New Year's Eve wasn't made public until almost 3pm on New Year's Day...and I didn't see Ray's social media post until sometime after 10pm Saturday night.

The photo above is Ray and Penny at the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2019. It was in the hours after he was formally inducted during the medallion ceremony...as you can see from the Golden Medallion partially concealed by his suit. In Ray's social media posts he included photos of himself and Penny. Some of the photo's have been online for a number of years while some are from his Ray Stevens' Nashville memoir. There were also several photos brand new to my eyes. In his memoir all of the photos are in black and white although nearly all of them are in color in his personal collection. One of the photo's in his memoir that was shared online yesterday is a New Year's photo from 1971...

In the photo above, New Year's Eve 1971, Ray and Penny make faces for the camera. I am guessing, based on the ribbons and decorations, that this is right as the clock struck Midnight as the year changed to 1972...but it could've been at any moment New Year's Eve or in the early morning hours of 1972.  Ray and Penny were married in 1961. In Ray's social media post it was shared that Penny had been dealing with cancer for an extended period of time. She was 78...born in 1943. I mentioned in a previous blog entry that her sister, Twinkle, had been married to record producer Felton Jarvis. Twinkle passed away at age 60 in 1997. Here's something eerie: Twinkle happened to be born December 31, 1936...so Penny passed away on her sister's birthday. 

There hasn't been any funeral announcement/arrangements but as soon as I find out anything I'll make mention of it in a future blog entry. As all of us are fans of Ray Stevens or at least you are aware of his music then you may feel the way I do. Are you at a loss for words? I find myself thinking about Ray and how he's handling it all...the grieving process that'll occur is only natural and I also think of how it'll impact him going forward. Time will tell, of course. When you start off the New Year in the way Ray has you can't help but mourn with him. I've been at a loss for words when it comes to what Ray is going through. I don't want to come off sounding too much like I'm writing a sympathy card but I also don't want to come off callous, neither. We all know that Ray treasures his privacy...and so, as I alluded to in a previous blog entry, I'm going to scale back on the blog entries until Ray's made the decision to re-emerge into the spotlight and resume his day to day activities. I think I can speak for all fans of Ray Stevens when I say we all mourn with him. 

Rest in Peace Penny Jackson Ragsdale.     

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