April 30, 2023

Ray Stevens: My random YouTube Unique Views Update...

Hello to all of the fans of Ray Stevens!! Every so often I get the inspiration to just randomly post a blog entry about the YouTube viral videos of Ray Stevens. Oh yes we all know it's 2023 and the phrase 'viral video' has become something of a cliché since the creation of YouTube more than 10 years ago. Nevertheless it's still a phrase that's prominently used in the online world to describe a video that's gotten a large amount of unique views in a short amount of time but 'going viral' also means, in my interpretation of the phrase, that the video or the performer has cut through the heavy competition in such a way that attention toward the video/performer seems effortless. As of April 30, 2023 the Top-10 video uploads on Ray's YouTube channel (based on unique view totals) are as follows: "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" leads the pack with 21,000,000 unique views. The numbers I'm using come from Ray's YouTube channel. The totals are not written out to the exact number. I could click on each upload and get the exact unique view total but I'm not going to do that for the sake of time. I'll provide a complete Top-10 list further down but one thing that's on my mind are these reaction videos that have seemingly taken over the YouTube landscape over the last half a year or so. Maybe they've been around longer than that but earlier today I did a YouTube search for Ray and seen that a few more of those reaction videos were uploaded. In my way of thinking they can be both helpful and not so helpful. They can be helpful for the free publicity they generate but they can also not be so helpful if those viewing the videos fail to understand the point of the video or fail to understand that it's perfectly fine to laugh and be entertained with deliberate silliness. Some people, and this may sound a bit odd, but some people who will watch a comedy video clip on YouTube are way too serious in their own lives to appreciate humor or get the humor. There are some people that'll watch a comedy video and miss the point but yet find it funny for entirely different reasons. As a long time fan of Ray I hope that people who discover him through those reaction videos get the point of the visual gags or get the humor that's sprinkled throughout the lyrics. 

Here are the Top-10 Ray Stevens video uploads on YouTube based on rounded unique view totals and we do have a couple of ties... at number 10 and number 6 so, to break the ties, I looked up the specific numbers for each video and have included those:

10: "Mr. President - Mr. President" 3,884,870
9: "Sittin' Up with the Dead" 3,824,559
8: "The Quarantine Song" (from Larry's Country Diner) 4.1 Million
7: "Santa Claus is Watching You" 5.4 Million
6: "Obama Budget Plan" 5,721,255
5: "We The People" 5,794,749
4: "It's Me Again, Margaret" 6.5 Million
3: "Come to the U.S.A." 10 Million
2: "The Streak" 16 Million
1: "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" 21 Million

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