February 23, 2011

Ray Stevens and the O'Reilly Factor...

The latest music video from Ray Stevens, "The Skies Just Ain't Friendly Anymore", was highlighted on The O'Reilly Factor a couple days ago during one of the program's signature segments. This marks the fourth time that one of Ray's music video's have gotten a mention on the #1 cable-news program in America. Previous mentions were for "God Save Arizona", "Come to the USA", and "We the People".

The highlight is 30 seconds long and it shows a snippet of the music video as you can tell from the video embed above. I had missed the segment apparently by several minutes because Monday night, when this mention occurred, I had changed channels to get an update on a college basketball game on a local channel and afterward I left the living room and came back on the computer...obviously if I had seen this segment Monday night I would've made mention of it that night. The highlight is an example of one of those kind of unexpected gifts.

Ray appeared on The O'Reilly Factor in 2010 to discuss "We the People" and politics in general. O'Reilly had, in a previous episode, highlighted Ray's web-page, causing it to go off-line due to the barrage of hits that the site undertook. When Ray appeared several weeks later he thanked O'Reilly for causing the site to crash because it shown the power of national publicity and how one mention on a TV show could cause hundreds of thousands of people to attempt to access a web-page at the same time.

Meanwhile, "The Skies Just Ain't Friendly Anymore" music video has gotten over 40,000 hits as of this writing. The most recent hit total is 40,981. The song had it's biggest impact to date on Amazon early on Tuesday morning as the Mp3 download experienced a meteoric jump to #17 on Amazon's best-seller list for comedy Mp3 singles. Each hour the single was rising and rising...one hour it was #48, the next #36, and then the next hour it was #17, then the next hour #19. It leap-frogged up and down the Mp3 comedy single list throughout Tuesday afternoon and into the evening. This activity was largely due, in my opinion, to the mention of the song/video on The O'Reilly Factor.

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