June 27, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined" is nearing 700,000 unique views...

Isn't it always the luck...just when we thought the warmer, summer weather would be something of an antidote for COVID-19's impact, at least that's what all medical professionals were predicting, here we go with several spikes of COVID-19 in multiple states in various parts of the country. As I've often remarked on here and elsewhere there's something to be said about spikes in cases and if those led to hospitalization and or death within a quarantine time frame (usually 2 weeks). If, at the end of an individual's quarantine, they weren't admitted into an ICU or they didn't pass away then it shows even more data that the virus can cure itself on it's own.

"Quarantined" is nearing 700,000 unique views. As of this writing it's obtained 694,382 unique views. This is a pickup of 8,017 from a previous blog entry. It's been on YouTube for a month and two days (having debuted on May 25th). When it comes to social media that's a lengthy amount of time but it's still bringing in unique views by the thousands and I predict it'll push beyond the 700,000 unique view plateau as we head into Monday...maybe sooner. Oh, by the way, the episode of Ray Stevens CabaRay Nashville airing locally here on PBS in three minutes (8pm) is the episode guest starring John Michael Montgomery.

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