June 16, 2022

Ray Stevens: CabaRay concerts Postponed until July...

Hello Ray Stevens fans!! It's with sad news that I report that the CabaRay concerts scheduled this month and the first Saturday in July have been cancelled/postponed. In a social media post with a time stamp of 4:24pm Eastern time (an hour ago) the announcement was made that Ray Stevens has lost his voice and was advised to rest it for nearly a month. Now, as you could imagine, this news was a shocker to all of us fans. I left my own message on his Facebook page. My message to Ray and those who work on his social media pages: Oh wow.. that's sad to hear. It's something that I didn't think could ever happen especially given how active Ray is with his voice.. it usually, but not always, but it usually happens with singers that slow their pace as they get older and don't sing as much and they find that they've lost their voice but Ray puts on such a full throated show each time, and in his recordings, that I didn't think he'd ever face such an issue.. Hopefully it's something very temporary.

Ray's Facebook message didn't detail whether he has literally lost his ability to talk/sing or if he's dealing with some sort of vocal chord issue that makes it difficult to talk/sing. The message left on his Facebook page, a message which has gotten more than 400 reactions and over 100 comments within the last hour, is being pasted here, quote:

"Ray Stevens has fortunately been able to avoid the COVID Virus, but he couldn’t avoid another kind of viral bug that has temporarily taken away his voice. To make sure no permanent damage is done he has been advised to cancel Shows through July 2nd in order to rest his voice and give it a chance to completely recover with no lasting damage. So sorry to report that the CabaRay Shows will be temporarily cancelled until July 9, 2022."

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