June 13, 2022

Ray Stevens: "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" 8 month check-up...

"She's a Hoo-ooo-ooo-chie Coochie Dancer..." croons legendary entertainer, Ray Stevens, in his novelty single/music video, "Hoochie Coochie Dancer". The release had it's debut early in October of 2021 as the lead-off, and to date, only single release from his recent comedy album, Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore. A belly dancer some may say...in the music video we also see a gypsy who plays matchmaker...leading Ray into the clutches of the dancer. We're at the 8 month period. The YouTube video reached the 100,000 unique views plateau by the end of October 2021. It reached the 200,000 unique views plateau by January 2022...and today the music video sits with 239,004 unique views and climbing. The mass online sharing of the video decreased, which is natural for most newly released online video content after a few hours or a few days, and so it's now down to discovery by chance on YouTube...in other words, discovery by those who weren't seeking the video out, initially, but decide to watch the video after seeing it show up in a search engine result. A lot of Ray's online audio tracks and online music videos fall into that 'by chance' category once the initial mass publicity wave dies down. 

I've never been to a large scale carnival or a circus. I've seen small carnivals and small scale circuses that passed through town...and the big top as it's popularly known, on a large field near the local school; but I never attended a carnival or a circus...just observed them from a distance...but I've been to several local county fairs.          

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