September 13, 2024

Ray Stevens: "Boom-Boom Gentlemen's Club" now Available..

Well, hello all of you fans of Ray Stevens!!! This is official single release day of Ray's new single, "The Boom-Boom Gentlemen's Club". Have you heard it yet? The audio track is on all of the usual places on social media where you can listen to music. I listen to audio tracks on YouTube or Spotify depending on which site I have open on any given day. I purchased the single over on Amazon earlier today and wrote a small review. I don't know when the review will be posted on their site. Once it becomes posted over there I'll copy and paste it in a future blog entry and add more information as well. At the moment I don't know who the musicians are. I'm making the assumption that the keyboard player is Ray. The harmonica is the dominant instrument and a few of us fans of Ray were wondering if it was being played by Charlie McCoy. I know that Ray uses a synthesizer a lot but I don't think this is a harmonica coming from any kind of synthesizer. I asked about the musician credits, particularly the harmonic player, in a social media post today. I hope to have an answer at some point today. The song is about a woman named Ida and a guy named Dakota. She leads a double life in that she goes by an alias, Hassie, in a gentlemen's club in Tulsa. Dakota, meanwhile, frequents this place and unbeknownst to him he doesn't know who Hassie really is given the make-up and clothing she wears when she's doing the kind of work she does. It's a cute, fun song... and I've listened to it 4 times since it become available. It's an up-tempo song and Ray sings it fast, too, so you're bound to need to hear it multiple times to catch everything he's singing about. There's a lot of activity going on. You can hear the song when you click this LINK. Once you open the link you can choose which music service you're familiar with. If you read this blog entry weeks or months from now and the link doesn't work simply search for Ray's name and the song title on YouTube or Spotify. 

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