June 7, 2020

Ray Stevens: A Dose of laughter in these Maddening Times...

Hello all!! The numbers for the Ray Stevens "Quarantined" video continue to rise on YouTube. In my previous blog entry the unique views were 531,127 and when I checked the numbers a couple of minutes ago it shown 559,156...a pickup of 28,029.

I came across a message earlier this morning that was posted on one of the home page of one of my Facebook friends. The friend had shared a screen cap of a message that appeared on television from healthcare officials concerning COVID-19 and the massive amount of humanity filling these anti-police protests. The health official's position is maddening and I'm posting it here...

This is Madness!

You may need to re-read that several times to try and find any shred of common sense. Here you have health officials supporting anti-police protests where people are marching and running around, often arm in arm, and some wearing masks and some not wearing masks, but you have all of these people in small and large cities across the country protesting the police and calling for their de-funding. There's no social distancing...there's absolutely no regard for any of the authoritarian mandates that have been pushed onto the people and hammered into everyone's collective psyche for over three months...and yet here we have health officials/experts releasing a statement stating that the protests aren't going to be condemned and that they're not risky for COVID-19 transmission. Now, let that sink in. Health experts say this mass of humanity marching the streets side by side is perfectly fine but if you happen to be at an amusement park, if there's one that happens to have been given the go ahead to open, health experts say if you're at an amusement park then you must continue to follow all of the COVID-19 protocols and procedures!?! How's that for warped logic?? If you've clicked the video and have listened to "Quarantined" go ahead and replay it...a dose of laughter is needed in these maddening times!

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