June 17, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined" remains Steady...

Can you believe the hypocrisy at play when Blue State Governors praise protesting and violence which includes hundreds and thousands of people close together and marching throughout neighborhoods...but in the same breath continue to be so overbearing when it comes to their mandates on COVID-19 crowd restrictions? It's blatant hypocrisy...for all to see...and yet they stand there at their podiums or sit there behind a table and dictate their mandates concerning crowd control and mass gathering rules. A rise in "cases" of COVID-19 is currently being discussed and used for political purposes. There are many who think a rise in cases means the virus remains uncontrollable and is something to fear. However, there are even more who think a rise in cases is a result of increased testing availability...but if you remove the amount of cases from the data and look at total hospitalizations or deaths from COVID-19 it's well under the staggering amount of infections the medical experts were predicting back in late February and early March. No, there isn't a vaccine or a proven therapeutic for COVID-19, but medical data continues to show that it's not the deadly contagious virus it was predicted to be. I haven't come across any information to explain how the virus wasn't as deadly here in the U.S. as it happened to be in other parts of the world. The panic and fear surrounding COVID-19 could be justified when cases began to dramatically show up in early Spring...but that mindset should've evolved over the course of the last several months as more medical data has accumulated. Nobody on June 17th should feel about COVID-19 the same way they did on March 17th. The panic and fear should have subsided significantly by now.

"Two more weeks of Quarantine..."; 2020
The on-going medical and political debate surrounding COVID-19 continues to rage here in mid June. State Governors, State Government, local mayors, local Government, and Federal Government continually seem at odds over how to re-open. When you factor in all kinds of opinion from the medical community...who largely influence those in public office...it's a recipe for disaster. There's also a disconnect between the medical community and those who run large and small businesses.

You will no doubt see examples of professors and scientists on television supporting or opposing whatever a State Government is doing when it comes to COVID-19. A cable news channel who pushes a liberal ideology will obviously have on 'experts' that oppose the idea of re-opening "too soon" whereas a cable news channels that pushes a conservative ideology will have on 'experts' who are usually in favor of re-opening, but, gradually...with the understanding that those in the medical profession aren't economic professionals...and a country needs a thriving economy.

This is why medical experts shouldn't be influencing Government policies. They should give advice but shouldn't actively participate in the legislative process...and by that I mean the medical community shouldn't be giving public speeches for or against policy decisions. Their only role is to advise...it's not to publicly disclose their personal opinions and react to the actions of a Governor or the President. When the medical community does this they're, in effect, being a political medical organization rather than a neutral medical organization. The maddening thing for so many of us is the fact that medical doctors who advise State and Federal Government are not elected to those positions and therefore can't be held accountable to voters.

The "Quarantined" music video from Ray Stevens remains steady...it continues to rack up unique views. A previous blog entry shown that the video had obtained 631,837 unique views. The number this morning is 651,025...a pickup of 19,188.

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