March 30, 2020

Ray Stevens sings Bagpipes, That's My Bag

Are you a dedicated fan of the legendary Ray Stevens? By this I mean do you know a lot of songs that he's recorded that a general audience would have no clue about? Do you happen to know of songs that even some of his fans aren't aware of due to the song appearing on an album rather than on a single release? No matter what level of fan you happen to be this fan created blog entry serves as a way of celebrating the career and music of Ray Stevens while at the same time educating people on his diverse career. I go from time period to time period at random. Earlier this morning an audio clip emerged on YouTube of a 1969 Ray Stevens recording, "Bagpipes, That's My Bag". If you're familiar with slang expressions then you'll know the word 'bag' is slang for occupation or it can be used to describe one's hobby or interest. Therefore, bagpipes is the hobby/interest of the character Ray is singing about.

The song was released as the B-side of "Gitarzan" but over the decades it's gotten the B-side treatment. What do I mean by that? Well, as I started off this blog entry, I mentioned the level of fans that exist. Whether we're talking about music, movies, sports, history...whatever the topic...there are passive, casual, ardent, dedicated, loyal, and other adjectives that can describe a 'fan'. When record companies issued a single they wanted the hype and attention centered around whatever recording happened to be on the A-side...and music consumers, in general, only played the A-side of a single because that's the recording they were hearing or reading about. In other words they'd look for the single in stores, take it home, play it...but often never bother to play the B-side...some may have out of curiosity...but by and large a song appearing as a B-side unfortunately gained the reputation of being inferior. This was far from the truth, of course. The B-side was simply thought to be less wasn't meant to be taken that the recording itself was inferior and no good. It's very possible that you can have a wonderful recording or a great story idea that lacks commercial appeal and as a result it was placed on the B-side of a single or it remained an album track and only heard by those that purchased an singer's entire album which back then was extremely rare as singles outsold albums. "Bagpipes, That's My Bag", a novelty song if ever there was one, was placed on the B-side of "Gitarzan" and therefore a lot of people never really heard it because the A-side dominated the airwaves. If you never turned the single over or if you never purchased the Gitarzan album then "Bagpipes, That's My Bag", from 1969, is brand new to you!

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