April 19, 2020

Ray Stevens: 1990 Golf Sketch...

Hello once more...and I'm here to embed a video clip of Ray Stevens from 1990. The origin of the video is a golf sketch from the television series, Funny Business. If you're familiar with The Nashville Network (1983-1998) and kept up with the career of television/radio personality Charlie Chase then you should be familiar with Funny Business. It was a recurring set of television specials that would air featuring Charlie pulling practical jokes and pranks on country music artists. Sometimes country artists themselves would turn the tables and pull a prank on Charlie. The main execution of the show featured Charlie presenting the clips and afterward the artist upon which the prank/joke focused on would be brought out on stage to give further reaction of how they felt about being the subject of a prank. The very nature of the series was meant to be light, upbeat, and fun...not hard hitting, dramatic, or serious.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a lot of disruption in normalcy and a lot of cable sports networks, for example, air repeats of games from years earlier. Since there isn't hardly anything going on, contemporary-speaking, Ray has filled the void uploading clips from his past which haven't been uploaded on YouTube before.

In this 1990 clip it doesn't feature a prank or a practical joke but it does include an exaggerated and comical demonstration of golf from Ray Stevens...and what I consider to be a brief, visual reference to a popular character created and performed by Tim Conway...

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