December 11, 2020

Ray Stevens: My purchase of "The Quarantine Song" Mp3...

Well, hello all...I'm not in the raging panic that I happened to be in when I wrote my previous blog entry. If you go back and read the previous blog entry you'll see me in panic mode...freaking out over not being able to purchase the Mp3 of "The Quarantine Song" just as soon as it hit Midnight. In that blog I made the argument that it's December 11th so why isn't the Mp3 available for purchase, etc. All kinds of things were going through my mind. You want to know something else? I was awake until a little bit past 3am and Amazon was still showing the Mp3 not yet available for purchase. I gave up and fell asleep sometime after that. I woke up later in the day and checked Amazon and, finally, the product page shown that it was available for purchase. So, after a few updates with my Account, I purchased "The Quarantine Song" and listened to it. I then wrote a review on Amazon that isn't published yet. I should've copied and pasted it here on my blog but I didn't think of doing that. I was still in a euphoria that I finally was able to purchase the Mp3 that I completely forgot to copy/paste my review. I'll probably copy it when it's published and paste it here in a future blog entry. The thing that consumers/fans should know is that this is a brand new recording exclusively for Curb Records. It's not an audio copy of the music video performance from Larry's Country Diner. The music video originated in May and it's gotten more than 2,000,000 unique views on YouTube...but this Mp3 is a new audio recording of the song with a slightly different music accompaniment. 

If you have the vocal performance from the music video burned into your memory as I do you'll notice the difference in this Mp3 recording right away. The most obvious difference is in the vocal phrasing. In the performance in the music video he phrases some of the lyrics differently than in the Curb Records recording. You can purchase the Mp3 of "The Quarantine Song" by clicking HERE.

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