December 21, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Nightmare Before Christmas" reaches 1,000,000 unique views...

Hello all you Ray Stevens fans!! We're slowly making our way to Christmas's this coming Friday! The pandemic has more or less mandated commercial television to not run many, if any, overly festive Christmas commercials because of the medical establishment's "warnings" of large get togethers. There's been several COVID-19 style Christmas of the commercials show laptop computer screens with a collection of people on it...promoting some kind of isolated Christmas celebration among family. I know there's some out there who will actually attempt to have what they're calling a virtual Christmas but that won't be taking place in my house. We plan on having our usual Christmas dinner and I know well in advance I'll be watching whatever football games are Christmas Day 2020 won't be any different here. Now, of course, it helps that the only people at our Christmas Dinner are close relatives who we're pretty sure aren't out and about and on the town and therefore potential carriers of the virus. So, yes, we're taking any family should...but we're not going to let any sort of Government over-reach ruin the holiday season.

Now, then, Ray's music video of "Nightmare Before Christmas" slowly amassed 1,000,000 unique views recently. The video made it's debut on November 3, 2010. A number of Ray's songs as well as his music videos have very long shelf's a testament to Ray's creative abilities first of all and secondly it's a testament to his enduring appeal. It's also a testament to his skills as a marketer in that he knew that Christmas music would receive annual activity and that there would perhaps be some sort of an audience awaiting the Christmas comedy videos year after year. In a television special on Ray Stevens that aired in the late 1990s on The Nashville Network the subject of durability and longevity came up. Ray remarked that quite a few of his albums crept along and eventually became Gold or Platinum with little to no mainstream hype or hardly any radio publicity. His success continues to mystify and baffle the so-called hip music critics...and given that his music video output on the internet has become so successful and omnipresent through YouTube and Facebook, it's generated one of the largest followings of a performer known almost exclusively as a 'comedian' or 'novelty singer'. His YouTube videos have collectively gotten more than 131,000,000 unique views since he opened his YouTube channel in 2009. I rounded the number rather than post specifics. If you visit his YouTube channel's 'About' section you'll see the most recent total of unique views his video content has received.

A couple of days ago I posted a blog entry where I highlighted "Nightmare Before Christmas" nearing the 1,000,000 mark. After I published that blog entry I went over to YouTube and refreshed the video statistics and at that time the video had pushed into the 1,000,000 level with a unique view total of 1,000,216. Today, before I began composing this blog entry, I looked at the recent unique views for the video and now it's got 1,019,578. There have been a couple of people, myself included, that have been posting links to the video on social media sites. I'd like to think I played a small part in re-introducing the video and helping it rack up an additional 18,000 or so unique views these last couple of days. 

The video features several camera several scenes we see Ray Stevens playing three parts: Santa Claus, The Judge, and the hyper Prosecutor. A camera trick enabled Ray to appear on screen side by side by side. He'd done this sort of thing earlier in his music video for "Freddie Feelgood" where all five members of the band (all played by Ray Stevens) appeared on screen at the same time. The song originated in 1997 on Ray's first Christmas album titled Christmas Through a Different Window. Once Ray opened up his video hosting channel on YouTube he began issuing direct-to-YouTube video content in addition to posting music videos from the past that had originally only been available on VHS tape. This music video debuted, as previously mentioned, in November 2010. YouTube and Facebook have been good for Ray Stevens these past 11 years...his YouTube channel came along in July 2009. I don't know when his official Facebook page debuted...but I'd say it's been around just as long as his Facebook page. It took 10 years for this music video to get to 1,000,000 unique about durability!! In a future blog entry I might post a screen cap of Ray Stevens from the music video where he's on screen as Santa, the Judge, and the Prosecutor. I know you'll love the song/video in case you've never seen it before.

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