November 25, 2020

Ray Stevens: Gary Mule Deer CabaRay Nashville performance...

Hello all you Ray Stevens fans!! The day before Thanksgiving finds me embedding a video clip of Ray Stevens and Gary Mule Deer from an episode of Ray Stevens CabaRay Nashville. In this clip you'll see Gary perform "Folsom Prison Blues", the Johnny Cash classic. The video clip starts off with Gary singing the song and afterwards it features him and Ray Stevens as kind of a double-act...they do what amounts to a lengthy stand-up comedy routine where Ray comes across as the straight man to Gary's one-liners and jokes. Whenever Ray had guests on his TV show that were known for comedy he'd typically act as the straight man to their jokes. The same thing happened when comedy duo Williams and Ree guest starred. The comedy between Ray and Gary runs a little over 6 minutes...Gary's rendition of "Folsom Prison Blues" is 3 minutes. 

In the screen cap on the left Gary has concluded one of his mini-stories with a punchline that has Ray laughing. This is just one screen cap of Ray in the midst of laughing. There's another one I'll more than likely post later. Ray had casually mentioned during their comedy segment that Gary is known for carrying notes and bits of paper with him in his pockets and on cue Gary pulls out a note and starts reading it. Gary's career goes back decades. His birthday happened to arrive several days ago. He and Ray are the same age...both born in 1939. I recall seeing Gary Mule Deer for the first time in the late 1980s or the very early 1990s. He was on a stand-up comedy show and I'm wanting to say it was the show that used to air on the Arts and Entertainment network, Evening at the Improv. The show was hosted by a guy named Bud Friedman...he was noted for wearing a monocle and I'd always viewed it as a comedy prop for him. In those stand-up routines he did he never sang or carried a guitar...instead he'd have a typewriter sitting on his shoulder and whenever he'd do a routine where he'd read off comical headlines he'd strike the typewriter keys so that it would sound like a newsroom...specifically Walter Cronkite's newscasts with the twinkling typewriter keys heard in the background. 

I wrote a recap of the full episode of Gary's guest appearance on Ray's television show in case you're wanting to know even more details about that episode. That recap is in the archives. If you search 2017, the month of November, you'll find the recap of Gary Mule Deer's episode. As you can see from looking at the image above Ray thoroughly enjoyed the remarks and comical commentary Gary brought to the show. In the video clip below you'll see what caused Ray to laugh so heartily and you'll hear several remarks about their experiences with Roger Miller.

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