November 10, 2020

Ray Stevens: Let's revisit Ray and the Country Music Hall of Fame...

Hello one and all!! I was doing my usual on-line searches and came across a radio station website that had uploaded an audio interview of Ray Stevens from last year. The time stamp on the radio station page is November 9, 2020. I'm assuming it's more or less a lookback, of sorts, on the part of the radio an audio interview conducted with Ray last year. When you listen to the audio clip you'll hear Ray being introduced as a Country Music Hall of Fame member-elect. This phrase is used to describe those that have been elected to the Country Music Hall of Fame, informally, and then later in the year those members will formally be inducted at the Medallion Ceremony. Ray was formally inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in October 2019. The radio station goes by the name The Possum and it's located at 96.3 FM on the radio dial. Ray's audio interview is part of that radio station's 'Member Monday' feature. I hadn't done any research but it's probably referring to the Country Music Hall of Fame members and in that feature they either pay tribute to, or air audio clips of, whatever member of the Country Music Hall of Fame they decide. 

Ray entertainer for more than 60 years...with a lengthy list of memorable and eye-catching recordings!! I'm sure some of these are your all-time favorites. He's recorded so many great songs over the decades: "Special Anniversary", "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right", "I'll Be in Atlanta", "Melt", "Cornball", "Make a Few Memories", "The Streak", "Everything is Beautiful", "Dear America", "It's Me Again, Margaret", "Misty", "Where The Sun Don't Shine", "Gitarzan", "Mama's in the Sky With Elvis", "Ahab the Arab", "The Dooright Family", "Sunset Strip", "Feel the Music", "Marion Michael Morrison", "Caribou  Barbie", "One More Last Chance", "Dixie Hummingbird", "The Moonlight Special", "Sittin' Up With the Dead", "A Mama and a Papa", "Southern Air (duet with Jerry Clower and Minnie Pearl)", "The Mississippi Squirrel Revival", "Golden Age", "Taylor Swift is Stalking Me", "Teenage Mutant Kung Fu Chickens", "Dream, Girl", "My Dad", "Thank You", "Have a Little Talk With Myself",  "A Piece of Paradise Called Tennessee", "Bridget the Midget the Queen of the Blues", "Party People", "Mama Sang Bass (duet with J.D. Sumner)", "Game Show Love", "Mr. Businessman", "Your Bozo's Back Again", "We the People", "Save Me From Myself", "Shriner's Convention", "I Saw Elvis in a U.F.O.", "Honky Tonk Waltz", "Bionie and the Robotics", "Talking", "Obama Nation", "Kiss a Pig", "You're Magic", "Love Will Beat Your Brains Out", "Would Jesus Wear a Rolex?", "Come to the U.S.A.", "I Need Your Help, Barry Manilow", "Obama Budget Plan", "Night Games", "Grandpa Voted Democrat", "Nashville", "Isn't It Lonely Together", "The Pirate Song", "America, Communicate With Me", and "The Quarantine Song"...and with those song titles I'm just scratching the surface when it comes to my all-time favorites!! I guess just about anything I've heard from Ray is an all-time favorite. 

You can find the audio interview with Ray Stevens, from some point in 2019, when you click the radio station website HERE

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