November 13, 2020

Ray Stevens: Updated "Everything is Beautiful" nearing 6,000 unique views...

In my look into the most recent unique views for the 50th anniversary music video of "Everything is Beautiful" it's received 5,927 unique views as of this writing. This is a pickup of 1,107 unique views from my previous blog entry early yesterday morning. The video debuted this past Monday (November 9th) and it was paired with a medley video on the same day. "Everything is Beautiful" / "United We Stand" premiered at the same time as the full performance of "Everything is Beautiful". The combined unique views of both music videos is above 10,000. The medley music video has 4.2K at the moment. The songs are available as Mp3 digital downloads for those that want the audio tracks in your music library. I purchased them the day they were released (October 30th) and have watched the music videos several times this week.

The music video is enjoyable both as a music video but the graphics, visuals, and the updated arrangement make it even better. I continue to think back to the updated narration that Ray kicks the song off with. He's fully aware that the ones who are calling for unity are the ones that are being the most divisive and the most reckless. A call for unity and civility is in order...a call for tolerance...having the freedom to express your beliefs and not get threatened from other people in society and certainly not threatened from elected Government officials for speaking your's possible for unity where people of all political, religious, and economic backgrounds co-exist. There's a movement going on to undermine the country's founding and strip away it's ideals and it's principles. It's those who seek to divide that are the most dangerous in society. A country's citizens having differences and having the freedom of being tolerant or intolerant is what makes us the United States...the scheme to overthrow societal norms and "reimagine" America as something it isn't, well, that's a dangerous mindset in my opinion.    

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