June 20, 2021

Ray Stevens CabaRay Nashville performance: "My Dad"...

It's Father's Day 2021 and this means that it's time to re-visit the Ray Stevens ballad, "My Dad", from the pen of Dale Gonyea. I could easily post a link to any number of previous blog's I've written in the past on Father's Day...they all feature "My Dad" in some way. Sometimes I embed an audio track and sometimes I embed a performance of the song. The only performance of "My Dad" from Ray Stevens that's online is from his locally syndicated PBS series, CabaRay Nashville. I know he performed the song on a country music television special early in 1984. I have an issue of Music City News magazine that features a reader's letter to the editor column and one of the letters states that they loved Ray's "My Dad" and said how wonderful it is to hear a song that gives fathers credit and shows them in a positive light. As of this writing that 1984 performance hasn't made it's way to the internet. There's the performance on CabaRay Nashville and that's the performance I'm going to embed. Ray recorded the song for his 1983 album, Me. The album, released in the latter months of 1983, wasn't promoted much by Mercury Records...any publicity for the album arrived in the first couple of months in 1984...but by the time that focus began to settle on the Me album Ray had moved to the MCA record label and issued his first album for them in the late fall/early winter of 1984. Ray performed at Fan Fair in 1984 and was part of the Mercury/Polygram Records roster of recording artists...and so based on this he was still on Mercury Records in the summer of 1984...Fan Fair takes place each year (except this year and last year) in June. Ray, as most of you know, is the father of two daughters. He has several grandkids...a grandson of his often works on his social media sites and is part of the behind the scenes staff of his CabaRay Nashville television program. Here's "My Dad" as performed by Ray Stevens...    

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