May 26, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined" follow-up...

It's not exactly a follow-up because I've written several blog entries already about Ray Stevens current hit, "Quarantined". However, with a song title such as that, I'm trying to come up with different ways of placing it in the title of my entries. I'll probably figure out some kind of way to use that song's title more cleverly in future blog entry titles but until then the mundane will have to do. Now, then, the numbers for the video have dramatically risen since I last posted an update. Since Facebook counts multiple views from the same device and, as I found out, only requires 3 seconds of playtime to register as a 'view' it's no wonder that "Quarantined", as of now, sits at 1,128,377!! This is a whopping increase in views from where it was the last time I checked. The previous view count on Facebook was 590,259! However, over on YouTube, the criteria is a lot more controlled and uses only unique views and it doesn't count repeat views. As a result of that stricter criteria "Quarantined" has obtained 72,530 unique views since hitting YouTube yesterday. I'll be keeping up with the "Quarantined" numbers as the days go by.

Earlier I came across several news reports from WSMV and WTVF, two television stations in Nashville, Tennessee. The reports concerned the re-opening of much of Tennessee's shut down businesses that were considered 'non-essential' for the last couple of months. A lot of the so-called 'non-essential' businesses were entertainment facilities, bars, music venues, theaters, etc. The articles centered around the Governor of Tennessee and that State's health department easing restrictions with guidelines in place. As of this writing I have no idea if this means that Ray is allowed to re-open the CabaRay for concerts again. If he's given the all-clear sign that he can re-open there's something that may result as a consequence of the country being put through a lock down. One of the devastating side-effects to the lock downs, partial lock downs, and being "Quarantined" is it's impact on an individual's confidence and some say a person's mental state. The fear mongering is still on display from much of the Blue State Governors across the country, and, it's siphoned through a State's health department as a kind of back-up to whatever a Governor wishes to impose on their State. In other words a lot of the health departments give cover to a Governor.

In my opinion most Blue State Governors seek to spread pandemic fear throughout the rest of the calendar year...or at least until early November...add to that a person's natural fear of the unknown and you have a situation where when people are told they can get out and actively participate in society again chances are some will be afraid to do so...not knowing if it's 'safe'. This is why so many, whose opinions I agree with, said that the reaction to the outbreak did more harm than good and why "the cure should not be worse than the disease". Ray's song, in a lighthearted way, speaks to the aggravation of having to be "Quarantined" and all of the unintended, and in some case, intended, consequences that come along with it.

Once again here's the current hit music video from Country Music Hall of Fame member, Ray Stevens...the topical "Quarantined"...

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