May 25, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined" has explosive debut...

Ray Stevens; 2020
Hello one and all...if you detect a hint of excitement in these printed words then you'd be correct. Time flies but nearly four hours ago Ray Stevens unleashed his newest video, "Quarantined", and it's currently being discovered all over the internet on this Memorial Day. The COVID-19 song takes a look at the mandates, stay-at-home orders, and everything else that comes with the pandemic. Ray also references face masks and gloves...products that are part of the P.P.E., an acronym for Personal Protective Equipment. I did a screen cap of the music video where Ray points out several things that he's doing ever since being "Quarantined" such as binge watching programs on a variety of video hosting sites...and on display are his face mask and gloves. There's a reference in the beginning of the song describing that he's unable to work and people aren't allowed to attend church. The song arguably takes up the point of view that there was so much Government mandated over-reach in such a short period of time (in the name of safety) but nevertheless it was an altruistic notion to contain a contagion...but it unknowingly had already infected the country...but the country was none the wiser due to the misinformation we were given from foreign Governments. So, in the weeks and months that followed, all State and local Governments set up guidelines and restrictions in an effort to "flatten the curve". A lot of those mirrored the Federal Government guidelines. Along the way, however, as statistics shown that the virus fatality rate was among people well over 70 and that hundreds of thousands of infected people were recovering from the virus it caused a lot of the support for keeping the country in lock-down to evaporate. "Quarantined" poses the ironic statement: "two more weeks of quarantine will be the death of me". This echos the argument that you shouldn't want to have the cure for the virus be worse than the disease.

Taking a look at the social media results so far...the video has gotten more than 6,000 unique views on YouTube. Over on Facebook the video's gotten 149,561 views!! In the earliest years of YouTube whenever you'd share a YouTube hosted video elsewhere the unique views that the video obtained on other websites would factor into the official unique view count on YouTube. I don't know the rules of video hosting sites anymore...but apparently the YouTube methodology as I understood it has been replaced considering YouTube isn't reflecting the amount of views the video's received on Facebook. If YouTube factored in the views "Quarantined" has obtained from Facebook it would show well over 150,000 already and so in my mind the more than 150,000 views it's obtained on Facebook and over 6,000 being reported, so far, on YouTube "Quarantined" definitely qualifies as an explosive debut. I'll also look in later on at the numbers and dissect them in a future blog entry.

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