May 31, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined" pushes beyond 300,000 unique views...

Hello all! In a blog entry I posted yesterday, sometime around 1:30pm, "Quarantined", the current music video from Ray Stevens, had obtained 263,034 unique views. I just come over from YouTube and the unique views, as of this writing, sit at 339,885. This is an increase of 76,851!! I provide an increase number for those that don't want to do the math yourselves. There have been 552 comments posted. The YouTube statistics don't show the total number of people that have shared the video. I don't read each and every comment but I browse through them and for the time being the rational thinking people outnumber those who deliberately post inflammatory remarks. Typically a music video that features a topical subject matter will dissolve into societal or political bickering and flame wars...but, so far, six days after it's upload onto YouTube there's not been a barrage of inflammatory remarks which is always a good thing.

In a scenario that seems to follow a national trend, disaster, fad, etc. there usually are all kinds of songs about the same topic out on the market. Those that were around in 1974 that recall streaking when it was a top news item will certainly know that were all kinds of records being released surrounding the fad...and Ray Stevens had the biggest hit of all with "The Streak" (selling over five million records). There were a lot of songs about the Hula Hoop, surfing, C.B. radios...patriotic songs tend to pour out in abundance if ever there's a nationwide feeling of pride. Protest songs seemed everywhere in the late '60s and early '70s. After 9/11 there were patriotic songs and novelty songs about terrorists. In 2001 Ray contributed "Osama Yo' Mama", "Hello Mama", and recorded his version of "United We Stand".

This pandemic has caused a lot of writers to come up with songs about COVID-19 and the impact it's had on society. There are some artists that take the deep, emotional route while in Ray's case he took the humorous light-hearted route. Dolly Parton released a COVID-19 song not too long ago. Charlie Daniels will issue a COVID-19 song tomorrow (June 1st). Ray issued his COVID-19 song on May 25th. I'd seen a sneak preview of Charlie's music video and there's an appearance by Ray Stevens in the video clip. I don't know if that's Ray's only appearance and I don't know if Ray has any lines in the song. In the video clip I seen it shown Ray seated in the recording studio facing the camera singing along as Charlie sang. I'll look at the full video tomorrow and post about my findings in a blog entry.

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