May 22, 2020

Ray Stevens: Voter Fraud music video...

Hello all! The subject of mail-in ballots and voter fraud continue to periodically make headlines. There is an effort to play up the advantages of mail-in voting and downplay the pitfalls of mail-in voting...and it's all based on each politician's point of view regardless of party. Ray Stevens addressed the topic of voter fraud in his recording, "Grandpa Voted Democrat", which hit YouTube several days before the 2012 election. Those that downplay voter fraud often argue that cases of it are minuscule and rarely effect the outcome of elections while those that bring up voter fraud argue that you shouldn't have complacency when it comes to votes being counted from unregistered voters and showing indifference when it comes to mail-in ballots that are lost in the postal system. Those who favor mail-in voting for all do not want to hear about what they consider isolated, non-consequential issues of fraud and abuse.

There has long been absentee voting...often for members of the military and for those with over-whelming physical incapability that they're unable to show up in person at the polling place...but what this pandemic has created is an avenue to install mail-in voting on a permanent basis. Do you really think in next election cycle will be 'normal'? It'll more or less be mandated that voters mail-in their ballots...regardless of there not being any pandemic by that time. This is why it's dangerous when Government takes advantage of a crisis. In the aftermath they'll call it a 'new normal' rather than go back to the real normal.

Now, since the workforce is being asked to keep 6 feet apart from co-workers and when you're in line at a store you're to remain 6 feet apart...why in the world can't local polling places have a policy about remaining 6 feet away from the next voter or maybe have a sign on their window saying so many voters are allowed in at a time?? The idea of pushing mail-in voting for the entire country is ridiculous and, yes, a recipe for potential fraud and abuse. The people at the board of elections are, in effect, lazy if they don't want to try and figure out ways to have the polling places open on Election Day...less than 6 months from now. It shows me and it should show everyone that they just don't care...mail-in ballots and mail-in voting is going to be the 'new normal'. In the's the Ray Stevens voter fraud music video from 2012...

I hadn't been keeping up with the unique view statistics of this video because it hit nearly 8 years ago but I know that it's gotten a whole new resurgence within the last several weeks based on how many times it's being posted on social media and being re-discovered. The total number of unique views as of this writing is 2,330,401.

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