May 30, 2020

Ray Stevens: "Quarantined", a mask of hysteria...

Hello again to the fans of Ray Stevens that come across this fan created blog entry! As you know I've been keeping track of Ray's current hit video, "Quarantined", ever since it made it's debut on May 25th. In my last blog entry centering around the video hit the unique views had crossed over the 200,000 level. The total at that time was 217,816. Today those numbers have risen to 263,034 for an increase of 45,218 unique views as of this writing. Is it possible that the video will surpass 300,000 over the course of the weekend?? It would be great if that happened!! The national news throughout most of Friday evening and into Saturday morning, at least on the cable channel I watch, was totally dominated by live coverage of the looting and rioting that was going on in Minneapolis and the stand-offs taking place between the police and the demonstrator vandalism going on in several cities (Atlanta, Cincinnati, San Jose, Brooklyn, Oakland, Portland, Los Angeles) as well as the violent demonstrations that were taking place between people and the secret service in front of the White House. All of this obliterated COVID-19 and everything related to it such as face masks, lock downs, partial lock downs, dictatorial mayors and Governors, it was wiped off the radar for I'd say 10 to 11 hours. I wish I could remember the name of the local mayor or it may have been a State Governor who actually thought the protesters would practice social distancing and wear face masks.

If there is not a gigantic, monumental spike in cases or deaths of the Coronavirus in Minnesota in the days or weeks after these protests, vandalism, rioting, and looting then wouldn't that be evidence enough to show local and State medical boards and State Governors that all of these precautions and guidelines foisted upon the less vulnerable was a total mistake? The social distance mandates of people being 6 feet apart, or more, has long been hammered into the public consciousness since early March. I didn't see the public in those cities too concerned about COVID-19 in those public demonstrations. What amount of evidence is it going to take for decision makers to see their self-inflicted economic collapse? I call it self-inflicted because there have been numerous factual research conducted showing the age range and likelihood of who's at risk and who's not at risk and yet there's not been much let-up from State Governors and or large city Mayors. The rioting overshadows the oppressive measures some of these public officials continue to implement when it comes to the pandemic. As eyes and attention is drawn to the demonstrators that means most eyes are turned away from what's going on in local and State Government when it comes to COVID-19.

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