July 20, 2021

Ray Stevens: 4-CD "Iconic Songs of the 20th Century" on the way...

Like a kid in a candy store I'm grinning from ear to ear as I write this opening sentence! The cover art for the upcoming Ray Stevens box set, Iconic Songs of the 20th Century: The Soundtrack of Our Lives, has officially been uploaded onto Ray's social media. I had received a newsletter last month and it included an image of the box set and so I've known what it's looked like since early June. The newsletter is free...all you have to is visit Ray's webpage and sign up...and the newsletters will periodically show up in your e-mail. Anyway, in the newsletter they included a photo of the box set. I provided the full title of the box set earlier in the paragraph but I'll continue to shorten the box set's title to simply, Iconic Songs of the 20th Century. I know what some out there may be thinking. Why get excited over a box set of songs that have already been released as digital downloads? Well, I'm excited because it's a physical piece of music. I purchase digital downloads for one reason. It's because most of the time newly released music is only being released digitally through online streaming and download services. I don't want to wait around until a possible CD copy of an album becomes available, if one ever does, so I go ahead and purchase music as digital downloads. I purchased all four of the digital downloads once they were released and I'll be purchasing the CD box set of those four albums this coming Friday, July 23rd. 

The four digital downloads each contain 12 songs. In one of my previous blog entries I wondered if the box set will contain just the 48 songs from all four digital releases or if Ray will include any 'bonus' recordings to round out the total number of songs to 50 or 52. We'll find out once we receive the box set. I don't think they'd insert any bonus content but it's hard to tell. There's not been much detail given about the actual box set...it may just be a simple box set with 4 CD's and nothing more, nothing less...or it could be a box set with bonus extras and a booklet accompanying the discs. I don't know if the box set will feature jewel cases for each of the discs with the cover art or if it'll be 4 discs by themselves with the name of the album and the song titles and credits. There's a lot we don't know about the Iconic Songs of the 20th Century box set when it comes to packaging and that kind of thing. When Ray issued a collection in 2005 called Box Set it didn't feature any kind of liner notes or musician credits. It was just three compact discs. The back of the release listed the song titles on each disc. Ray released that box set on his own Clyde Records label and it was later picked up and distributed by Curb Records. I'm keeping myself from expecting a lot of bells and whistles with Iconic Songs of the 20th Century...I don't think it'll have the same sort of detail and information as his 9-CD box set had back in 2012, Encyclopedia of Recorded Comedy Music. I could be wrong, of course. I look for more detailed information about the contents of Iconic Songs of the 20th Century to show up the closer we get to July 23rd. If you're wondering about the color scheme in the image of the soon to be released box set I want to point out that the first image is from the newsletter from June. The second image of the box set is from Ray's social media posted earlier today. I don't know why the image in the newsletter shown up way more shinier and brighter than the image Ray posted today. As soon as I order the box set and it arrives I'll be writing an overview. Why? Because I'm a Ray Stevens fan of course!

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