July 26, 2021

Ray Stevens: "Iconic Songs of the 20th Century" 4-CD collection...

Hello once again Ray Stevens fans!! It's been a few days since the July 23rd release of the 4-CD Iconic Songs of the 20th Century. If we're to be specific it's only the second business day but since most people purchase their music online it's 24/7 business. The 4-CD collection isn't in stock on Amazon. I've not been able to find out the reason why. It was shown to be available for pre-order in the hours before it was released but then as soon as release day arrived it changed from being available for pre-order to being temporarily out of stock...and it's remained out of stock ever since. It's a shame that it isn't available on the world's largest online store but never mind...it's readily available on Ray's official website plus it's available at the Curb Records store. The overall project's been a proven success just by judging at the amount of plays the audio tracks have gotten on YouTube since the release of Great Country Ballads back in February of this year. The audio tracks that were heavily promoted on Ray's social media, naturally, have benefitted the most and have pulled the largest YouTube plays. What shouldn't get overlooked, though, are the other audio tracks from these four albums that people have found on their own on YouTube. The audio tracks from each of the four releases consistently rack up plays. When you purchase the box set you're going to hear Ray perform songs that are arranged pop, country, bluegrass, and easy-listening/soft rock. You will also hear him tackle what were commonly called torch songs like "Cry Me a River", "April in Paris", and "Sweet Dreams".

It's lovely isn't it? The 4 compact discs come with their individual cover art, jewel case, and I'm assuming songwriter, musician, and publisher credits. Great Country Ballads, Melancholy Fescue, Slow Dance, and Nouveau Retro make up the 4-CD release. The screen cap is from the promo video that Ray uploaded this past Friday. As of this writing the promo video's gotten a little over 1,000 unique views on YouTube and a little over 5,000 views on Facebook. Where can your purchase this 4-CD set?? I've provided two links...one is to Ray's official website and another is to the Curb Records store. If you visit the Curb Records store you'll see all of the songs listed from each compact disc. There's a universal purchase link on the Curb website. Stream/Purchase/Download. This link appears below any music product in the Curb Records store whether it's a digital album or a compact disc. You, as a Ray Stevens fan, make the choice between whether you want to purchase Iconic Songs of the 20th Century from Ray's webstore or if you want to purchase it from the Curb Records store. If you're reading this and you live in Tennessee chances are you might come across this 4-CD box set in your local Walmart store so if you haven't done so already take a look and see if it's there. In the video promo Ray mentions that it'll be in select retail stores...but didn't specify...so I'm assuming he's referring to regional/local shopping stores in the Nashville area. The collection contains 48 songs.  

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