July 12, 2021

Ray Stevens: "Slow Dance" in the Amazon Top-100...

Welcome, welcome...to all you fans of Ray Stevens and to those who come across this blog and discover the music of Ray Stevens! While looking over the digital Country Best Selling list on Amazon I came across Slow Dance among the Top-100. This is by far the digital album with the most appearances on this particular Top-100. I haven't kept count but Slow Dance periodically shows up within the Amazon Top-100 Country Best Sellers and almost without notice...and the reason I say that is because Ray, as you all know, released four digital albums this year and for Slow Dance to be the one that's made the most appearances in the Amazon Top-100 is not what this Ray Stevens fan expected. I was thinking either Melancholy Fescue or Great Country Ballads may be the one that would make the most appearances on the Country Top-100 simply because Ray is more connected, overall, to a country music format...and Melancholy Fescue is a bluegrass flavored album and Great Country Ballads is self-explanatory...so I was thinking either of those two digital albums may show up more frequently in the digital Country Best Sellers but it's Slow Dance which accomplishes this. Slow Dance is filled out with renditions of pop music standards by Ray Stevens which also include re-arrangements that he came up with...the song titles on that digital album being so iconic to a wider audience is probably why that particular digital album has made the most return appearances on Amazon's list. There's a medley on there called "Make Believe / It's Only Make Believe" which is great. Some of the other songs Ray updates include "Stardust", "What a Wonderful World", "The Great Pretender", "Unforgettable", and the title track refers to the song, "Slow Dancing". The fourth digital album, Nouveau Retro, has the unenviable task of following the first three...and while it's made appearances on that Top-100 list from time to time it hasn't made as many appearances as Melancholy Fescue or Slow Dance. I close out this blog entry with the audio track "Make Believe / It's Only Make Believe"...it's gotten over 3,400 plays on YouTube so far... 

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