July 26, 2021

Ray Stevens: "Gas" at 10K...

Hello again! Fresh off of my previous blog entry advertising Ray's 4-CD box set I now turn my attention to his novelty single, "Gas", which will be on a comedy album this fall titled Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore. I don't know what all will be on this comedy album...strangely enough I haven't asked around for any kind of hints...but based on the title I'm going to make the assumption that the content will largely focus on comedy songs with subject matter that is suppose to be taken seriously. His video hit from last year, "The Quarantine Song", fits this description...on the surface the pandemic isn't a laughing matter...but yet Ray's song is very funny and upbeat as it deals with a subject matter that's largely been shielded from humor. So, based on my way of thinking, Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore will be something of an 'I dare you not to laugh at this...' type of release. It's scheduled to be released in October. I'd not be surprised if Curb Records doesn't push it's release up if demand is high...with "Gas" reaching more than 10,000 YouTube audio plays I'd say it's inevitable...but we'll see. Have a listen, though, to "Gas"...now boasting 10,002 plays...a pickup of 102 plays over the course of the last couple of days.

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