July 7, 2021

Ray Stevens: CabaRay Piano Bar re-opens July 9th...

I came across news of the re-opening of the piano bar inside the Ray Stevens CabaRay showroom yesterday but didn't make mention of it because I wasn't sure when Ray's social media was going to begin promoting it. Less than an hour ago the announcement was officially made that this coming Friday, July 9th, part of the CabaRay showroom will re-open to the public. The Bill Lowery High Spirits Emporium and Piano Bar, as it's officially called, will re-open to the public beginning at 7pm on July 9th. The piano bar is an intimate area within the CabaRay where customers can relax, dance, have limited drinks, and listen to the pianist, John Jonethis. The piano bar will be open every Friday and Saturday evening from 7pm until closing time from July 9th through August 28th. The piano bar has limited seating...though there wasn't a number released as to how many seats are in the piano bar...so I don't know what their plan will be should several hundred show up. When my brother and I were at the CabaRay in 2018 I was too afraid to go into the piano bar since I don't drink alcohol so I sat on a bench along the wall outside the piano bar and listened from there. There are circular tables sitting upstairs in a hallway along side a balcony where you can sit and look out over the piano bar. I don't know if this is a trial run to see if the public has finally gotten over their COVID hesitancy and finally feel safe enough to go out and attend public gatherings once again. Ray is scheduled to begin performing concerts once again at the CabaRay on September 4th...several days after the piano bar exclusives come to an end. Now, keep in mind, the piano bar will remain part of the CabaRay experience once it fully re-opens on September 4th. Once the showroom fully re-opens the public will not only have access to the piano bar but also the gift shop. The doors to the performance area open an hour before the concert begins. This is the point in time where, if you purchased a dinner, it'll be served prior to the concert. You can read about the CabaRay piano bar re-opening by clicking HERE.  

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