October 5, 2021

Ray Stevens: CabaRay Nashville performance by Leroy Van Dyke...

Hello all you Ray Stevens fans!! Yesterday was quite something, as far as online activity is concerned, with an hours long offline global status of several prominent social media sites. It threw everyone who uses those platforms into a frenzy...but eventually the sites that were impacted came back online late yesterday evening. Ray posted a video clip on his YouTube channel of Leroy Van Dyke singing "The Auctioneer". The performance comes from Ray's locally syndicated television series, CabaRay Nashville. Yesterday marked the birthday of Leroy Van Dyke...he turned 92! In celebration of this Ray uploaded the CabaRay Nashville video clip. 

Leroy's auctioneering abilities became legendary and he happens to be related to another auctioneer, Ray Sims. The two starred in a 1967 movie, What Am I Bid?. He and his cousin are members of the National Auctioneers Association Hall of Fame. Now, in addition to "The Auctioneer", which sold millions of records, Leroy had a couple more top selling singles such as "Walk on By" (which Ray Stevens was part of the recording session), and a similar sounding follow-up, "If a Woman Answers (Hang Up the Phone)". 

Leroy remained in demand for his auctioneering prowess and he branched out in 1969 when he joined country music songwriter/disc jockey, Bill Mack, to co-host a religious themed country music radio program called Country Crossroads. The radio series would eventually get syndicated to more than 800 radio stations across the country...in 1973 Bill and Leroy were joined by Jerry Clower and this trio hosted the radio show through 1979 when Leroy retired from the series after 10 years. Bill Mack and Jerry Clower continued on for nearly 20 more years...until Jerry passed away in 1998. Here's Leroy Van Dyke performing his mega hit, "The Auctioneer" on Ray Stevens CabaRay Nashville television series... 

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