October 13, 2021

Ray Stevens: "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" nears 60,000 unique views...

Hello all...it's me once again!! I decided to take a look at the unique views of "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" and not only has it surpassed 50,000 but it's nearing 60,000 unique views. Later this evening will mark the 5th day that it's been on YouTube. The video debuted October 8th...this coming Friday will mark one week. The same holds true for Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore. It was released last Friday, October 8th. The unique views as of this writing for the music video are 57,612. This number could change by the time I post this blog entry to the internet. Ray performed this song during his appearance on the Tuesday Night Opry yesterday. I'm sure that there were those in attendance who hadn't heard of the song, yet, and probably searched YouTube for it on their phones or computer once they returned home. In a previous blog entry I cited the unique views at 43,543. It jumped to 48,685 later on and then reached 57,612 several hours after that...bringing us to where we are right now. I hope more and more people discover the music video and his new comedy album!! 


  1. Who are all the other people in the video?

    1. I don't know everyone's name but I'm pretty sure one of them is Ray's friend, longtime string arranger Bergen White. The policeman is Ray's longtime songwriting associate, Buddy Kalb, who's appeared in a lot of Ray's music videos. I don't know who's playing the actual dancer.


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