October 3, 2021

Ray Stevens: Digital Journal Interview...

Hello all you Ray Stevens fans!! I came across an article written about Ray Stevens...which includes several quotes from him relating to his upcoming comedy album and the CabaRay showroom, at long last, re-opening for concerts. The showroom re-opened last month and his first concert of the month of October took place last night. In the article he says that he hopes to expand the concert dates to beyond Saturday. You can read the article by clicking HERE

Did any of you Pre-order Ray's upcoming comedy album, Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore?? The Pre-order window is still open...the window closes this coming Friday, October 8th. When you Pre-order on Ray's website you'll get an autographed copy of the CD. The comedy album is also available for Pre-order on Amazon...but it won't be an autographed copy. If you did the Pre-order, which began back on September 24th, and you put in your order on that day or a day or two later, chances are you've received your copy of the comedy album in the mail. I went to the post office Saturday evening and was thrilled to see the autographed copy of Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore awaiting me in the mailbox. I have listened to the album...and made some notes...but I'll be listening to the album a couple of more times before I write an official review. I more than likely, on purpose, will write a review this coming Friday on the album's official release day. The Pre-order, it turned out, enabled us to receive the comedy album before the general public. Although I won't be writing a review yet I will say that there are a number of songs that comment on current events...and there's a very clever song called "Dis-Connected". I'd mentioned the song's title several times in recent blog entries but to actually hear the song...it's so current, that's all I'll say about it for now. The opening track, which we found out recently would be released as a music video, is just as funny as you might imagine with a title like "Hoochie Coochie Dancer". Ray does a lot of vocal effects and scat sings in several songs, too...but more about that in my review this coming Friday. In the meantime click the link I provided and read the latest coverage.

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