October 30, 2021

Ray Stevens: The Five Days of Halloween, Part Five...

Happy Halloween eve...here in my area the kids and younger adults did the trick or treating and running around in costumes this past Thursday evening/night but most of the country waits until either tonight or actual Halloween day (tomorrow) to participate in the trick or treating and scary movie watching, etc. etc. I've been writing this mini blog series for several days and in this installment I'm spotlighting a 1988 performance by Ray Stevens of "The Booger Man". The song comes from his comedy album that year, I Never Made a Record I Didn't Like. I've seen Ray sing this song twice on television but this is my first time seeing this particular performance. The song is about a couple out on a date but it begins with Ray declaring that he isn't afraid of various monsters and characters from famed horror movies...he name drops several well known characters but admits that "The Booger Man" is the one thing that scares him. Terry McMillan is on hand in this 1988 performance on Nashville Now. Terry played the harmonica on the recording and so he's standing near Ray in the appearance. You'll also see Nashville Now musicians Larry Sasser (steel guitar), Jerry Whitehurst (piano), Fred Newell (electric guitar), and the camera may pick up footage of Billy Linneman (bass). I don't know the drummer's name. Larry Sasser, ironically enough, was credited as a Dobro player on Ray's 1988 comedy album...but he's known for playing steel guitar. When Ray was a guest host on Nashville Now in 1991 one of the people Ray interviewed was Larry Sasser and they discussed their experiences together in the music industry. Ralph Emery, the host of Nashville Now, is seen at the beginning of the video.

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