October 15, 2021

Ray Stevens: "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" nears 90,000 unique views...

An increase of 14,469 unique views has pushed "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" near 90,000 unique views in a week's time. The total so far is 88,235!! It's hard to believe that an entire week's gone by since the release of Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore and this music video. The two arrived on October 8th...and just this past Tuesday Ray Stevens was holding the Tuesday Night Opry audience in the palm of his hand as he sang "The Quarantine Song", "Hoochie Coochie Dancer", and "Mississippi Squirrel Revival". Saturday night Ray will be on stage at his CabaRay showroom at 7:30pm Central. The doors open at 5pm for the Piano Bar. I'm sure he'll be singing those three songs at the CabaRay

As I mentioned in my previous blog entry, Ray's new comedy album Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore continues to appear on Amazon's Top-100 New Releases (CDs/Vinyl, Country). It's was on the Amazon Top-100 back when it was still available for Pre-order (beginning September 24th) and so it's nearing a month of being among the Top-100. It's floated around the Amazon Top-100 and reached a peak of 29 back on October 12th. As of this writing the album is at 43. The music video of "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" is the main focal point at the moment...but there will come a time when a follow-up will emerge. I've not really thought about such things because of all the excitement surrounding the release of the album plus the release of the new music video. Those of you who have now since heard all of the songs on the new album what would be the next release? Some of the people I speak to on social media think "Coco Cabana Band" might be the next single/video. Ray was the subject of an article not too long ago and the author provided an embed of the YouTube audio track of "Coco Cabana Band" rather than the music video of "Hoochie Coochie Dancer". So, could "Coco Cabana Band" be what comes next? Personally, though, the song I want Ray to push next is "Dis-Connected". However, if "Coco Cabana Band" isn't the song he promotes next nor is it "Dis-Connected" I think it may in fact be the title track, "Ain't Nothin' Funny Anymore". We'll see what happens!! In the meantime enjoy the "Hoochie Coochie Dancer" music video...

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